Corio Bay Challenge

Corio Bay in Summer

Example Images and Classifications

Terrain Summary

The event will use 3D terrain, examples are included below.

Area terrain will consist of a base template and multiple small 3D elements, such as trees, placed on the area template.

Obstructions will be evident by their larger base size and position away from a larger base template. These will include sections of ruined buildings, obelisks, and large plant stands. The entire base area of the obstruction is considered to be the obstruction, even if there is space to place a models base.

Obstacles will be present and represented by small pieces of terrain scattered across the board. These will include small thin walls & fences, grave stones, barrels & crates, and other small pieces. These terrain elements can be removed from the table when contacted by an 80mm or 120mm base model.

Buildings and ruins will be present, some of which will feature ladders and ropes to allow models to access the upper levels, as per the Obstruction rules in the Warmachine rule book (Obstructions – Ladders, Stairs & Elevators).

Hills will be present on tables, with an approximate height of 1”, and sharp angled sides and flat top to increase playability. Remember that a model must be completely within the area of a hill to gain the elevation bonus. Edges painted as grey stone effect will be treated as impassable.

Please remember that a model is not permitted to end its movement in an unstable location that requires propping and stabilisation as per the Warmachine Rulebook (Terrain section – 2nd paragraph).

The terrain used in this event comes from the organisers personal collection and asks that you please treat the terrain in the same way that you would expect others to treat your models. The organiser is happy to throw your models around if you throw the terrain around.

Obstructions and Impassable Terrain

Desert Obstructions.
Average height 3" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Extra Large and Huge Bases.
Difficult Terrain (Flight, Incorporeal, Ghostly etc to cross).
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Not Destroyable.
Forest Obstructions.
Average height 6" - Blocks Line of Sight to all models.
Difficult Terrain (Flight, Incorporeal, Ghostly etc to cross).
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Not Destroyable.
Ruined Building Obstructions.
Average height 2.5" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Large to Huge Bases.
Difficult Terrain (Flight, Incorporeal, Ghostly etc to cross).
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Not Destroyable.
Ruined Building Walls Obstructions.
Average height 2" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Medium to Huge Bases.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Destroyable - Bulldoze.


Scatter Obstacles.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
+2 DEF vs Melee across piece.
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Destroyable by Extra Large & Huge bases.
Short Thin Wall Obstacles.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
+2 DEF vs Melee across piece.
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Destroyable by Extra Large & Huge bases.
Short Thin Fences & Hedge Obstacles.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
+2 DEF vs Melee across piece.
Grants Concealment (+2 Def) within 1".
Destroyable by Extra Large & Huge bases.
Animal Pen Obstacles.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
+2 DEF vs Melee across piece.
Grants Concealment (+2 Def) & Blast Resistance while completely within.
Destroyable by Extra Large & Huge bases.


Desert Cactus Forest.
Height 4" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Huge Bases.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Concealment (+2 Def) while completely within.
Line of Sight up to 3" into terrain. Blocked if fully crossing terrain.
Winter and Dead Forest.
Height 4" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Huge Bases.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Concealment (+2 Def) while completely within.
Line of Sight up to 3" into terrain. Blocked if fully crossing terrain.
Jungle Forest.
Height 4" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Huge Bases.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Concealment (+2 Def) while completely within.
Line of Sight up to 3" into terrain. Blocked if fully crossing terrain.
Evergreen and Pine Forest.
Height 4" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Huge Bases.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Concealment (+2 Def) while completely within.
Line of Sight up to 3" into terrain. Blocked if fully crossing terrain.

Buildings and Ruins

Solid Intact Building.
Height 4" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Huge Bases.
Difficult Terrain (Flight, Incorporeal, Ghostly etc to cross).
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Not Destroyable. Not Habitable.
Ruined GW Building.
Height 4" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Huge Bases.
Difficult Terrain (Flight, Incorporeal, Ghostly etc to cross walls).
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Destroyable - Bulldoze. Habitable.
Partially Ruined Building.
Height 4" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Huge Bases.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Not Destroyable. Habitable. Elevation via Ladders & Ropes.
Camp Tents.
Height 2.5" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Large to Huge Bases.
Difficult Terrain (Flight, Incorporeal, Ghostly etc to cross walls).
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Destroyable - Trample. Not Habitable.
Water Tanks.
Height 4" - Doesn't block Line of Sight to Huge Bases.
Difficult Terrain (Flight, Incorporeal, Ghostly etc to cross walls).
Grants Cover (+4 Def) within 1".
Not Destroyable. Habitable. Elevation via Ladders.
Ladders, Stairs & Elevators
A model moving within 1˝ of a ladder, stairs, or elevator can choose to move up or down the ladder, stairs, or elevator. Doing so takes 2˝ of the model’s movement.
When a model moves up or down a ladder, stairs, or elevator, reposition it anywhere large enough for its base to completely stand on within 1˝ of the ladder, stairs, or elevator it moved up or down. The model can continue its movement from this location.

Long Grass, Rough Terrain, and Difficult Terrain

Areas of Difficult Terrain require Flight, Incorporeal, Ghostly etc to cross. Pathfinder does not grant the ability to cross Difficult Terrain, which only ignores rough terrain.
Short Cactus Patches/ Long Grass.
Doesn't block Line of Sight.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Concealment (+2 Def) to Small and Medium based models completly within.
Farm Crop Fields.
Doesn't block Line of Sight.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Hay Bales & Long Grass.
Doesn't block Line of Sight.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Concealment (+2 Def) to Small and Medium based models completly within.
Peat Bog/ Quicksand Swamp.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement. Ignores Pathfinder ability.
When a model touching quicksand is knocked down, it suffers 1 damage point.
Can also be a base template for a Forest.
Large Trenches.
A model completely within one or more trench templates has cover from attacks made by models that are not touching any of the trench the model is in. Models completely within one or more trench templates gain Resistance: Blast. When drawing line of sight to a model not completely within a trench, ignore models that are completely within a trench.
Water Feature.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Concealment (+2 Def) to Small based models completly within.
When a model completly within is knocked down, it suffers 1 damage point.
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
Grants Cover (+4 Def) to models completely within.

Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
A model completely within one or more craters has cover (+4 DEF) from attacks made by models that are not touching any of the crater the model is in.
Models completely within one or more crater gains Resistance: Blast.
When drawing line of sight to a model not completely within a crater, ignore models that are completely within a crater.
Water Filled Craters
Rough Terrain -2" Movement.
A model completely within one or more craters has cover (+4 DEF) from attacks made by models that are not touching any of the crater the model is in.
Models completely within one or more crater gains Resistance: Blast.
When drawing line of sight to a model not completely within a crater, ignore models that are completely within a crater.
When a model completly within is knocked down, it suffers 1 damage point.

Geographic Terrain - Hills

Areas of Difficult Terrain require Flight, Incorporeal, Ghostly etc to cross. Pathfinder does not grant the ability to cross Difficult Terrain, which only ignores rough terrain.
Small Hills - 3"-8" across.
A model completely within the area defined by a hill are granted elevation.
The transition area of hills is open terrain, unless marked as a grey cliff edge, which is Difficult Terrain.
Small Hills do not grant concealment or cover, and are 1" high.
Stacked Hills will block Line of Sight equal to their height.
Models moved or placed from the top of a hill across a cliff section suffer a POW 12 falling damage roll.
Medium Hills - 9"-12" across.
A model completely within the area defined by a hill are granted elevation.
The transition area of hills is open terrain, unless marked as a grey cliff edge, which is Difficult Terrain.
Medium Hills do not grant concealment or cover, and are 1" high.
Stacked Hills will block Line of Sight equal to their height.
Models moved or placed from the top of a hill across a cliff section suffer a POW 12 falling damage roll.
Additional terrain can be located atop medium hills, including small hills, and forests.

Large Hills - 13"-18" across.
A model completely within the area defined by a hill are granted elevation.
The transition area of hills is open terrain, unless marked as a grey cliff edge, which is Difficult Terrain.
Medium Hills do not grant concealment or cover, and are 1" high.
Stacked Hills will block Line of Sight equal to their height.
Models moved or placed from the top of a hill across a cliff section suffer a POW 12 falling damage roll.
Additional terrain can be located atop large hills, including small and medium hills, and forests.

Making Attacks Across Elevation and Obstructions
A model may make attacks across changes in elevation and obstructions.
Range is measured from the attacking models volume to the target models volume, including for melee attacks.
Melee attacks made across Difficult Terrain Cliff sections of hills gain +2 DEF as per Obstructions.
Refer to Line of Sight & Targeting section and Terrain Types section.


These Terrain elements can be added to another terrain piece, adding to the effects and rules of the terrain.
Burning Earth - Fire Elemental Model.
A model without Flight entering, placed or ending its activation within a burning earth terrain feature suffers the Fire continuous effect.
A model with Flight that is knocked down within the area of a burning earth terrain feature also suffers the Fire continuous effect.
Burning earth terrain features are cloud effects.
Storm - Air Elemental Model.
A storm can affect another terrain feature, such as the area of a forest, rough terrain, shallow water, or rubble.
Models with Flight treat storm terrain as rough terrain rather than as open terrain.
Dust Devil - Whirlwind Model.
A dust devil can be represented by a piece of terrain that simulates a vortex of wind.
When a model within the perimeter of a dust devil makes a ranged attack or is targeted by a ranged attack, the attack suffers –3 RNG.
Dense Fog. Tufted Cotton Wool Markers or Acrylic Cloud Markers.
Patches of dense fog or thick smoke limit visibility on the battlefield. Dense fog is represented by clusters of cloud effects.
A model completely within the perimeter a cloud effect gains concealment (+2 Def vs Ranged attacks).
Cloud effects only block lines of sight that pass completely through a cloud effect, excluding to huge based models.
A cloud effect provides no protection from melee attacks.

Contact Corio Bay Challenge

Address: Geelong Guides Hall 33 Myers Street, Geelong. Victoria, Australia.

Events held on the 5th Saturday of the Month (April - November)
Dates in 2024 are 29th June, 31st August, and 30th November.
Dates in 2025 are 31st May, 30th August, and 29th November.