Corio Bay Challenge

Corio Bay in Summer

Event Tickets and Registration

Event Tickets - Sticky Tickets

Event tickets are sold through the online ticketing platform Sticky Tickets.

This platform will handle all the ticketing processes, payments, and refunds (if applicable). Individual events will be created for each tournament, with tickets available for sale from the start of the month of the tournaments.

Event Registration and Reporting - Longshanks

Event registration and reporting will be handled through Longshanks.

Contact Corio Bay Challenge

Address: Geelong Guides Hall 33 Myers Street, Geelong. Victoria, Australia.

Events held on the 5th Saturday of the Month (April - November)
Dates in 2025 are 31st May & 1st June as the Warmachine Victoria Challenge at The Gaming Arena, 30th August, and 29th November.